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44th Arts Northwest Conference Schedule will be announced June 2025.
You can review the schedule below from our 43rd annual conference in Spokane, Washington.
2024 Schedule at a Glance
Activities take place at the Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox and the Historic Davenport Hotel
October 14 – 17, 2024 (Schedule is Subject to Change)

- SUNDAY, October 13
- MONDAY, October 14
- TUESDAY, October 15
- WEDNESDAY, October 16
- THURSDAY, October 17
Arts NW Board of Directors Meeting
Board Reception/dinner
Registration Open
Hot Topics
A fast-paced exploration of relevant topics in 2024. Each table will have a different subject and a leader that will kick off the discussion. You will either briefly share your insight or listen and learn! Hot topics may include subjects such as streaming rights, negotiations, ticket refunds, and stakeholder communication.
Come one, come all! Welcome orientation and Mentor Meetup.
Join us for the opening day orientation meeting – everyone is welcome! Discover the latest updates about our conference and make the most of this initial opportunity to ensure a productive and enjoyable experience. If you're meeting your mentor for the first time, come early at 3:30 PM to get acquainted before the meeting begins.
Welcome Reception
Juried Showcase #1
Exhibitor load-in
Registration Open
Lunch on your own
Juried Showcase #2
Hub open hours: The Grand Ballroom: Davenport Hotel
Dine-Arounds in Spokane
Dessert Reception
Spotlight Showcase: The Davenport
Registration Open
Workshops: Various locations at the Davenport Hotel
Block booking meeting
NAPAMA Meeting (Coffee Provided by NAPAMA)
Lunch on your own
Juried Showcase #3
The Hub: Final Open hours
Award Ceremony and Reception
You're invited! Join us for the Award Ceremony and Reception, where you can enjoy a refreshing drink and learn about the latest news and updates from our organization. This year, we are excited to present The Arts Northwest Service Award to recognize and honor individuals who have made significant and longstanding contributions to the performing arts. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, network, and celebrate the arts community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Dine Arounds Spokane Area
Late night Karaoke: Monterey Cafe (9 North Washington St)
Final Block Booking meeting (Presenters only please!)
It's a wrap! Closing event and Juried Showcase Award Presentation
We are pleased to invite you to the closing breakfast (coffee/pastries), award presentation, and discussion at our annual Arts Northwest Conference. Held on the final morning of our event, this gathering offers a perfect opportunity to connect with fellow attendees, reflect on the past few days, celebrate achievements, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue about our collective work in the arts.
Showcase award: Arts Northwest presents this award to the artist who best represents the excellence of performing arts through their showcase performance.