Acknowledgment of Partner Organizations and their Support

Established in 1961, the Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA) collaborates with artists and arts organizations to conserve and develop critical artistic resources statewide. ArtsWA strives to further policies that promote arts awareness, develop sustainable arts resources for future generations, and deepen investments in Washington's dynamic cultural legacy. ArtsWA is led by Executive Director Karen Hanan, run by 12 staff members, and governed by four legislators and 19 governor-appointed citizen commissioners.

The Idaho Commission on the Arts is the official state agency for the support and development of the arts in Idaho. The Commission promotes artistic excellence, education in the arts, access to the arts for all and community investment in the arts. Its professional staff administers and develops the programs and services of the agency, assists grant applicants, and provides technical assistance.

The Oregon Arts Commission was established in 1967 to foster the arts in Oregon and ensure their excellence. Nine commissioners, appointed by the governor, determine policies, establish Long-Range Plans, and review applications to grants programs to determine funding levels. In 1993, the Oregon Arts Commission became a division of the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. All Commission business meetings are open to the public.

Arts Northwest and Americans for the Arts want to encourage arts leaders across the country to get involved with the Arts Action Fund. That's why the primary contact with an Arts Northwest membership organization, is automatically an Arts Action Fund member at no additional cost. As an Arts Northwest professional member, we want you to be a part of this growing movement. In addition to your Arts Northwest membership benefits, you will receive Arts Action Fund benefits including:
ARTS ACTION NEWS: The printed/ electronic newsletter of the Arts Action Fund.
MEMBERS-ONLY PAC—As an Arts NW member and hence an Americans for the Arts Action Fund member, you are eligible to be a part of the nation's only political action committee (PAC) dedicated to identifying and financially supporting those political candidates who demonstrate clear public support for advancing the arts and arts education in Americans' lives, schools, and communities.
SPECIAL ELECTION REPORTS—Americans for the Arts Action Fund publishes a variety of resource guides to help keep you informed about political activity and candidates who are impacting the arts in your community. These include the very popular Congressional Arts Report Card: Your Guide to Voting for the Arts, Post-Election Impact Report on the Arts, and our biennial Candidate Arts Survey.

Arts Northwest and Americans for the Arts want to encourage arts leaders across the country to get involved with the Arts Action Fund. That's why the primary contact with an Arts Northwest membership organization, is automatically an Arts Action Fund member at no additional cost. As an Arts Northwest professional member, we want you to be a part of this growing movement. In addition to your Arts Northwest membership benefits, you will receive Arts Action Fund benefits including:
ARTS ACTION NEWS: The printed/ electronic newsletter of the Arts Action Fund.
MEMBERS-ONLY PAC—As an Arts NW member and hence an Americans for the Arts Action Fund member, you are eligible to be a part of the nation's only political action committee (PAC) dedicated to identifying and financially supporting those political candidates who demonstrate clear public support for advancing the arts and arts education in Americans' lives, schools, and communities.
SPECIAL ELECTION REPORTS—Americans for the Arts Action Fund publishes a variety of resource guides to help keep you informed about political activity and candidates who are impacting the arts in your community. These include the very popular Congressional Arts Report Card: Your Guide to Voting for the Arts, Post-Election Impact Report on the Arts, and our biennial Candidate Arts Survey.

Washington State Arts Alliance and Foundation
The arts create positive ripple effects throughout our communities. Our job is to help celebrate the intrinsic value of the arts and illuminate its instrumental effects on engagement, education, and the economy.
• The arts strengthen our communities and increase individual, civic, and social engagement.
•Arts education helps students develop essential 21st century skills necessary to be innovators, problem-solvers, creative thinkers, and collaborators.
•The arts are a cornerstone of a healthy economy, and key to tourism and economic development.
The Washington State Arts Alliance provides the tools, knowledge, and resources necessary to assist everyone in effectively advocating for the arts. To find out how you can be involved, understand your role, learn about the latest arts issues and action alerts, attend Arts & Heritage Day and the Cultural Congress and join us.
Participation by individual and organizational members makes it possible for the Arts Alliance to continue direct arts advocacy efforts; distribute action alerts and timely information; offer advocacy training; conduct candidate surveys; provide professional development opportunities; host regional and statewide convenings, and more.
Washington State Arts Alliance
1204 Minor Avenue - Seattle, Washington 98101
phone 206.448.1909
Mark Gerth, Executive Director
Kim Thomas, Program Director
For general information, info@wsartsalliance.com

The National Endowment for the Arts awards grants to nonprofit organizations, creative writers and translators, state arts agencies, and regional arts organizations in support of the arts projects across the country.