AboutAgenda The HubSponsor AdvertiseShowcaseFivepointOWorkshopsHotel/ShuttleExhibitors TipsPresenters Tips
- Network with new and experienced colleagues in the performing arts.
- Gain insight and knowledge from professional development sessions and other colleagues.
- Meet artists and artist managers/agents and view the work of established and emerging artists and ensembles.
- See live performances of quality artists during the Juried Showcases, sessions showcases and the fivepointO performances.
- Learn about current trends in the field.
- Develop a sense of the field of arts presenting.
- Develop a network for future questions and concerns
- Learn how to take your next step in developing your season or event
- A small notebook and stapler are useful for organizing business cards and making notes.
- Don’t forget your business cards!
- Know about your venue(s)
- Know about your audience’s tastes
- Know your budget
- Know your residency needs or wishes
- Know your housing options for artists
- Know your schedule
- Width, depth, and height of stage flooring
- Wing space
- Number of lighting instruments
- Sound and other available technical equipment (clear com systems, etc)
- Type of stage
- Dimensions of apron and/or pit (if any)
- Color of curtains
- Dance floor
- # of legs and borders
- Number of seats in the hall
- Number of dressing rooms / green room/showers
- Loading dock and parking
- In general, they should be able to determine if their artist can perform in your space (provided you have the above information at hand). In considering your past presentations, and discussing your current plans, they should be able to determine the compatibility of their artist with your audience (though this is not a guarantee)
- Fee range
- Technical rider requirements
- Possible block booking or routing for the year ahead
- In short, all of them! You never know what you might find.
- Study the exhibitor list and make a plan in advance. Identify “must sees” and visit them first. Use the remaining time to visit tables of artists who may be future considerations, and whose work may not be known to you
- Try to block book. (Attend the block booking meeting at the conference) It saves everyone money and often allows presenters to present artists they otherwise might not be able to.
- Do not interrupt another presenters and artist while they are talking.
Attending the showcases (both juried and sessions) and fivepointO performances is a crucial part of your educational experience and getting the most out of the booking conference. There are 22 Juried showcases in the conference schedule in three blocks. A panel of Arts Northwest members selected them for their quality and suitability for touring in the Northwest.